
Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who
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Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who
needs more helping!

blog post
Date: 19-09-2024

"RDO at Rio+20: Shaping Sustainable Development"

Leadership in Sustainable Development Mr. Amir Zad Gul, Founder and Chief Executive of Rural Development Organization (RDO), attended the histo

blog post
Date: 18-09-2024

"RDO Represents at UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues"

Congratulations to Mr. Mushtaq Ali Khan and the Rural Development Organization (RDO) for representing indigenous voices at the 23rd Session of the U

blog post
Date: 18-09-2024

"RDO Represents at UN Ocean Conference"

"Making waves at the global stage! Our representative, Mr. Mujeeb Shah, is honored to attend the UN Ocean Conference at the United Nations Headquart